Lee Nonprofit Consulting offers a wide range of consulting services to serve nonprofit organizations. Our goal is to help you further your mission and reach new levels of success. Schedule your free introductory consultation to learn more about our services and what we can do for you.
Need help with a grant application? Let Lee Nonprofit Consulting help. With experience in grant writing and grant making, we have a unique perspective on what grant-makers want to see. We'll work with your staff to make the application process easy for the whole team.
Here at Lee Nonprofit Consulting, we love data. We'll work with you to design evaluation methods, analyze data, create reports, and identify steps to continue towards your mission. We're with you through every step of the process, or wherever you are needing support.
We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced world, and which ones are doing it best. We then strategize using smart tools and global resources in order to understand the implications of every choice our clients can make. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.